Thursday, December 13, 2012

Artist to watch for: Anhayla

Hello! All last week I had finals for school, but I am happy to say that I have conquered them all. I am so glad to be done with them. Now I can focus on Christmas break and on relaxing with all of my family, and of course updating my blog as much as I can. For today's post I wanted to show an up and coming artist by the name of Anhayla. I have been following her on youtube for over a year now, and she definitely has some major talent! Recently she posted a video of her and her friend, Tsoul, doing a rendition of Rihanna and Chris Brown's song "Nobody's Business." Check it out down below and enjoy!

Ps, I recently went winter clothes shopping. I'm going to post a haul soon. Look out for it.

Much Love!
- Rave

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