Thursday, April 4, 2013

I'm Moving!

From now on I will be posting on my new wordpress: Check me out over there!

Sunday, February 10, 2013

Good Vibes: Kendrick Lamar- " Sing about me"

Lately, I've been vibing out to Kendrick Lamar's album Good Kid, m.A.A.d City, which is kind of unusual for me. In general I don't listen to too many rappers but Kendrick is pretty dope. He talks about real life situations, and he's very relatable to me. He's also very poetic. In this era of hip hop, I feel like rapping about money, sex, women, and cars is the default. every one does it because they feel like thats what they have to do. They're afraid to put some emotion into their works, so instead they sell us a dream that even they don't really have. Kendrick...he's real.

One of my favorites at the moment is a song he did called " Sing about Me." It's based off of a real life experience. I love how raw it is and I love that he raps from three different perspectives...The Gun Shots give me chills every time I listen to it. Listen below.

Kendrick also decodes the meaning of the song in an interview to Life + Times. Watch below.

Much Love!
- Rave

Cardigans and Cosby Sweaters!

   Currently, my favorite article of clothing that I love to throw on with any outfit is a cardigan, or a "Bill Cosby" sweater. In Georgia, winter is not completely over but the temperatures are starting to become a little bit warmer. So, a heavy duty coat is not really needed any more. 
     Instead, I opt for thick, comfy, oversized sweaters. My favorite places to shop for them are local thrift stores because I can find unique one of a kind pieces. I also like to check the men's section because they normally have a really nice selection of Cosbiesque (just made up a word) sweaters to choose from.

Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Princess Rih has spoken

 Rihanna finally opens up about her relationship with Christopher Brown in the newest issue of Rolling Stone, out on news stands January 31, 2013. 

"I decided it was more important for me to be happy. I wasn't going to let anybody's opinion get in the way of that. Even if it's a mistake, it's my mistake. After being tormented for so many years, being angry and dark, I'd rather just live my truth and take the backlash. I can handle it." - Rihanna to Rolling Stone

Welp...there we have it. We can go on with our lives now.

Much Love!
- Rave

Saturday, January 26, 2013

New to Twitter!

I joined twitter yesterday! Follow me at @HoneyBeeRave!

My current favorite live performances: Solange "Locked in Closets" and "Vocal Vibes"

"Locked in Closets"

I love this song, and I love everything about this performance. It's so funky and soulful. I love that Solo just kind of goes with the flow and jams. Also, take note that she is fully clothed, but still sexy as ever! This is proof that you don't have to take all your clothes off to be sensual. This is a vintage kind of sexy.

"Vocal Vibes"

Much Love!
- Rave

Friday, January 25, 2013

Justin Timberlake: "Suit & Tie" featuring Jay-Z

Justin Timberlake just released the music video for his new song "Suit & Tie" featuring Jay-Z. I really like this song and the music video is really nice too. Check it out below!