Tuesday, November 27, 2012


I hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving! I know I ate everything in site! I just wanted to come an do a quick outfit of the day post. I'm continuously trying to evolve my style and I just wanted to come and share. I wore this on Thanksgiving in Michigan and I was actually surprised by how nice the weather was that day. I was actually able to get away with just wearing my black cardigan and my  cranberry circle scarf! I was also really excited because I found this cool shirt in my granny's closet. She wasn't going to wear it, so I stole it! Oh, and I cut the collar off because I liked it better that way.

Shirt: Taken from my granny's closet
Shorts: DIY/ Thrifted
Leggings: Ross
Cardigan: Forever 21
Shoes: UGGS
Unisex Circle Scarf: American Apparel 
Grey Beanie: Forever 21

Much Love!
- Rave

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